World tour of CICV solutions continues to build semiconductor partnerships

Disruptions create difficult challenges, but it provides inspiration to create new solutions. Partnerships further accelerate the process by instilling confidence…

Don’t Skip Steps: The Significance of Qualifying IP Revisions

Have you ever written a Master’s thesis, a paper for a science class, or even an article for a school…

EDA innovation at its finest display in the Pacific Rim

In continuation to my earlier blog on Semiconductor renaissance in the making, it is essential that foundries, IC design and…

Using ML techniques to reduce the time to characterize and validate Liberty models  

Using ML techniques to reduce the time to characterize and validate Liberty models  

“Interested in knowing more about Solido’s ML technologies to reduce the characterization and validation runtimes for liberty models? Check out…

Why some machine learning solutions succeed, and others fail

Note: Interested in getting to the right answer with your ML-enabled EDA solution? Head on to our on-demand webinar “Solido…

Smart Power Designs: Reality or Buzz?

We are in a generation where “intelligent” devices are pervasive in our daily lives. We have come to expect them…

Thorough variation-aware verification: proving vital for modern power-efficient designs

Recently the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) awarded STMicroelectronics the “IEEE Milestone for Multiple Silicon Technologies on a Chip” for…