World tour of CICV solutions continues to build semiconductor partnerships

Disruptions create difficult challenges, but it provides inspiration to create new solutions. Partnerships further accelerate the process by instilling confidence…

Analog Computing: The Underdog AI Hero That Refuses to Go Digital

Generative AI has the potential to benefit humankind in various ways. It can assist creative industries by generating innovative works…

EDA innovation at its finest display in the Pacific Rim

In continuation to my earlier blog on Semiconductor renaissance in the making, it is essential that foundries, IC design and…

Listen to the symphony of ‘Symphony Pro’ at DVCon 2023

We are at a tipping point of AI-generated content, be it text, images, video, or music. Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer…

eTopus and Siemens partner on advanced transceivers taking mainstage at TSMC OIP 2022

Thanks to TSMC’s initiative and organization, their 2022 North America OIP (Open Innovation Platform) Ecosystem Forum at Santa Clara convention…

S-parameters simplified!

IC designers experiment various circuit architectures to realize their circuits in order to meet the required functional performance specifications, while…

Importance of Selecting the Right Tools – for Velarium to Verification

Importance of Selecting the Right Tools – for Velarium to Verification

A couple of years back during the peak of the Covid lockdown, I was spending a good deal of time…

Making those bits go analog

It has been a very good year of partnership with Analog Bits, one of our key partners, and I wanted…

Adaptation to Evolution – the course of digital-centric AMS verification

These two terms, adaptation, and evolution are commonly mistaken to be the same. The key distinction between adaptation and evolution…