Students’ Human-Powered Submarine Sails to Victory with Siemens Software

Every two years The Sussex County Technical School Engineering Program takes on the formidable task of fully designing and manufacturing a human powered submarine to enter in the International Submar…

Business leaders meet at Purdue University to discuss new digital challenges

Purdue University recently hosted a Manufacturing Forum titled “Catching the Digital Wave” at the West Lafayette campus. The event was sponsored by the Purdue University Discovery Park and Indiana Ne…

Formule SAE de l’Université Laval Places 2nd in Electrical Class at Michigan Using STAR-CCM+ and SPE

This year Siemens was proud to sponsor, once again, the Formule SAE de l’Université Laval team. According to this winning team, “Star CCM+ is an excellent tool for student teams because of its…

Greenpower Races to Rockingham for the 2017 Finals

Greenpower 2017 International Finals took place at the Rockingham Race track on October 7the and 8 th .
More than 300 teams representing the UK, Belgium, Poland, and Portugal competed …

UMD Loop Team Uses NX to Design Hyperloop Pod for August Competition

(This article reprinted with permission from the UMD Loop Newsletter and originally written by Matt Grimes.)

Competition 2 In Review
This past August, UMD Loop traveled to L…

Move Over Joel Eriksson, you’ve got FSG Teamgreen Stuttgart Hot on Your Heels at Hockenheim!

Greenteam Stuttgart raced to victory at Germany’s famed Hockenheimring racetrack during this year’s FSG competition. FSG’s purpose is to offer a real-life experience of everything that g…

Siemens and leading German educators collaborate on Academia 4.0

In German the word “Hochschultage” means university days. Annually organized by the German PLM Usergroup German educators and experts from Siemens PLM Software are meeting to discuss industry trends …

New addition to the Academic Resource Center Focused on the Graphics and Design side of Engineering

Engineering Graphics, Design and Modeling with NX was written by Dr. Hyunjae Park for Marquette University and consists of four main parts which make basic engineering graphics fundamentals and solid…

How Oakland University gets its students jobs & engineering work experience years before graduation.

Did you know every job opening you see today attracts at least 250 resumes? Out of those 250, about four to six individuals receive an interview, and in the end, just one person get…