Free Student NX Download

Did you know that students can download NX CAD/CAM for free on our student software page?

Unlocking Potential: Empowering Tomorrow’s Innovators

In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, fostering early STEM identities and empowering learners has never been more critical. Engineering and…

A turbojet engine is displayed as a teaching aid for students.

How the Evering Institute empowers students to simulate turbojet engine behavior, develop predictive maintenance algorithms and more with the digital twin

When a turbojet engine test bench went out of order, the Evering Institute decided to explore the use of the digital twin in the classroom with great success.

A student presents a simulation to a group of his peers.

Adapting engineering education to the way students learn today

If educators can reimagine how they structure their programs to better align with modern learning preferences, they can help students develop critical skills while ensuring that degrees remain relevant and valuable.

A female student laughs and smiles at the front of a class.

The future of engineering education is modular: How microcredentials support flexible, inclusive programs

Modularizing curricula with microcredentials offers students more flexible pathways, making engineering more inclusive among other benefits.

Customer Success with the Siemens Xcelerator for Startups program: VCycene

This month we sat down with one of our newest clients, VCycene, to discuss their startup journey and experience with…

A female engineer looks at a machine in an industrial environment.

How microcredentials can address the skills gap in engineering

To address the skills gap, employers and educators are embracing innovative solutions like microcredentials.

A group of engineers works together around an aircraft engine.

The T-shaped engineer: Balancing deep technical knowledge with durable skills 

The engineering landscape is transforming at an unprecedented pace. With technology advancing rapidly, industries are scrambling to find engineers equipped…

How Siemens Xcelerator Enhances Prototyping and Customer Validation

Prototyping and product validation are essential to the success of any startup. With Siemens Xcelerator, startups can access enhanced testing…