
Siemens Xcelerator Academy Certification

By Cristiana Cerrato Accomazzo

Do you want to gain a competitive advantage, keep pace with the industry and showcase your competencies in various Siemens Software?

As part of our comprehensive portfolio, Siemens Xcelerator Academy Certification will maximize your investment and help you achieve business goals.

Certifications are motivated by a high-reward achievement when test takers are successful and they also serve as milestones to check where you are in your learning expedition and growth toward becoming domain specialists.​

Siemens Xcelerator Academy exams are online and remotely proctored so they can be taken anytime/anywhere.​ They’re designed and built by experts and are tailored on Siemens software products, to measure knowledge and skill and to confirm user adoption.​

Achieving certification allows you to attain enhanced credibility and increase your professional credentials by validating your expertise.

​Certification can be purchased Standalone, as an exam only, or as a Packaged Certification, in form of Learning Journeys for developers and implementers of the products.

Standalone exams are virtually proctored exams, single-attempt exams for an experienced user with Siemens software proficiency. There are no constraints of travel. 

With the Packaged Certification, you get guided access to role-based on-demand content, virtual-lab environment powered by the cloud, and the exam.

Both allow you to achieve a range of competencies and guide you to the associate level.

Learning Maps are available as a recommended guide of what to study and show available options for completing the training prior to the exam attempt.

So… if you see the value in increasing your professional credentials by validating your expertise, gain a competitive advantage with Siemens Xcelerator Academy certification today!

To view the complete list of available Siemens Xcelerator Academy certifications visit the following links:

Standalone Exams:

Packaged Certifications:

Register to our upcoming Webinar for more information:

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