Thought Leadership

IoT: Internet of Things

Ready for 100 billion “things” connected by the Internet?

The IEEE Standards Association (SA) Corporate Advisory Group (CAG) has been working to bring industry input into the standards development organization on the emerging Internet of Things (IoT) trend that will connect billions of devices with each other.

As you can imagine, the impact this will have to the service structure down to the development of connected devices will have impact on tools used to create, verify and test them from the EDA industry to the protocols that will need to be in place to facilitate this.

This past summer the oneM2M was launched to bring some groups together who were dedicated to product technical specification for the M2M Service Layer.  The impact on the IEEE, that is responsible for ongoing Internet standardization, is likewise large and not totally known.

Segars ARM Techcon Presentation smlI was reminded of the IoT impact this week by ARM’s EVP, Simon Segars.  His ARM Techcon keynote presentation this week.  noted the IoT is a merging of our digital and physical worlds.  He also said predictions are the data from smartphones is “exploding at a 100% growth rate a year for the next 4-5 years.”   To make the point even more stunning, Simon shared that Facebook expects 1-2 billion pictures will be taken and uploaded to their website around Halloween 2012.  The good news for those who did not have the time to make it to Santa Clara, CA USA for ARM Techcon, his presentation has been made available for viewing on YouTube.  You can find it here.

The IoT conversation continues around the globe.

IEEE IoT Workshop: You are invited!

ieee_mb_blue IEEE has restored service to their Internet connection at  However, connection from IEEE staff locations is tentative due to the widespread devastation of Hurricane Sandy in the New Jersey USA area where they live and work.  There may be delays in getting official invitations out on the IoT workshop.  The IEEE workshop on Internet of Things has been put together in conjunction with several of the CAG member companies, with direct leadership from our STMicroelectonics representative and input from representatives from Broadcom, GE Medical, Ericsson, Qualcomm and others. The IEEE SA staff and IoT Workshop leadership have asked those who are connected to share workshop information.  I am doing that here.

You are invited to attend and participate in the workshop.  Details on the event are:

Event Description:

The event will feature a combination of keynote speeches, product showcase and panel sessions with the goal to:

  • identify collaboration opportunities and standardization gaps related to IoT
  • help industry foster the growth of IoT markets;
  • leverage IEEE’s value and platform for IoT industry-wide consensus development,; and
  • help industry with the creation of a vibrant IoT ecosystem.

Date: 13 November 2012
Location: Milan, Italy
Fee: Free

Keynotes include:

  • Service Provider’s View of the IoT World (SP)
  • End to End Systems Security (ST)
  • IEEE-SA – Perfect Platform for the New Millennia of Consensus Development

Panel Topics include:

  • GW as an Enabler of the New Services in the IoT World
  • Monetizing Services in the IoT World
  • Security in the IoT World
  • Standard, what we have and what is missing, convergence in the technology world, collaboration opportunities.


31 October 2012 4:25 p.m. PDT
Access to has been restored.  That was quick! You can now access IoT Workshop details from IEEE directly.
31 October 2012 3:00 p.m. PDT
Due to the impact of Hurricane Sandy, power to IEEE servers has been lost and backup power sources have been depleted.  Access to the IEEE website for more information, registration and additional details is not available at this moment.  The workshop will be held.If the servers return to the Internet, I will update this notice.And if their absence appears to be something that will last longer than another day or so, I will update this blog with alternate contact information for those who would like more detailed information on how to register and where to go to attend the event. 
Dennis Brophy
Director of Ecosystems

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at