Sustainability in electronics and semiconductors episode 1 transcript

Maria Mosto: Hello and welcome to a special series from Siemens Digital Industries software sustainability in electronics and semiconductor industries….

A concept of a battery pack, transitioning into a digitalized form.

Expanding AAM Range with Better Batteries Part One – Summary

At this point in time, batteries look to be the future power source for advanced air mobility (AAM). Many AAM…

Layers of a conceptual car battery, with the top layer appearing as a digital representation.

Expanding AAM Range with Better Batteries Part One – Transcript

In this episode of Talking Aerospace Today, Todd Tuthill and Puneet Sinha begin exploring the need to increase range in…

A skyline of downtown Manhattan at night from the river.

Rethinking Infrastructure for AAM Part Three – Summary

Many companies working in the advanced air mobility (AAM) sector have goals of getting their AAM fleets off the ground…

Offshore wind farm from an arial view

Designing remanufacture into sustainable products

Waste is a huge problem around the world. It takes many different forms, in many different industries. But not all…

The skyline of New York City behind a riverside park, in the bright daylight.

Rethinking Infrastructure for AAM Part Three – Transcript

In this episode of Talking Aerospace Today, Todd Tuthill and John Nixon conclude their conversation of building infrastructure for advanced…

Sustainability starts at design

Consumers’ lives and organizational processes are both becoming more digitized. Simultaneously, the semiconductor and electronics industries are poised to grow…

Blendhub test factory in a warehouse, with two technicians observing notes in the foreground

Accelerating flexible and sustainable food production

Food insecurity is one of our oldest problems as humans. And even with the vast technological advances over our time…

A city parking garage adjacent to a city street at night.

Rethinking Infrastructure for AAM Part Two – Summary

Vertiports are the core pillar for future advanced air mobility (AAM) infrastructure. A cross between a bus station and a…