Top Thought Leadership topics of 2018

The Thought Leadership blog and program have experienced incredible growth since launching three years ago, but this year has been especially noteworthy.
We continue to highlight many new trends …

Are electric vehicles the best cars for the environment?

It’s nice to want to be environmentally-friendly. But even the best cars for the environment won’t sell unless they’re economically feasible.
Electric vehicles are gaining support from government…

Electric car engineering needs future-thinking engineers

Electric car engineering will change the entire auto industry, and current and future engineers can prepare for the move toward electrification by becoming the master of many traits.


An introduction to industrial-scale additive manufacturing

Our first Thought Leadership podcast series is coming to a close, and we want to thank everyone who has taken the time to listen to our series and to share your feedback with us. We appreciate it!

How can companies improve electric vehicle battery life?

The electric vehicle battery is getting more advanced, which not only increases range, but will also help decrease costs.

The more affordable and advanced electric car batteries become, th…

Which vehicles are driving vehicle electrification?

Vehicle electrification extends far beyond automobiles. Buses, trucks and even boats will help make electric vehicles mainstream. Some vehicles, such as long distance trucking, will take longer becau…

Vehicle electrification and the automotive revolution

We’re currently going through one of the most significant revolutions in the automotive industry in the past century.
Vehicle electrification, autonomy and shared mobility are three big trends dr…

How can electric car technology challenges be resolved?

There are numerous, significant electric car technology challenges companies face when designing and manufacturing the electric vehicle components. Battery design, full validation and software implem…

Electric vehicle range and consumer anxiety

Electric vehicle range anxiety is a big concern companies face as they try to sell electric cars to the public. When a more robust infrastructure is in place, consumers will feel confident in investi…