Thought Leadership

Hannover Messe 2022 – A couple more virtual sessions to add to your calendar

Hannover Messe, one of the world’s largest trade fairs, is back for 2022, and it starts next week! From May 30th to June 2nd, thousands of exhibitors, including Siemens, and attendees will gather in Hannover to share knowledge, show off new technologies, and make new connections. For those of us who are not able to make the journey over to Germany, the fair also features numerous ways to attend virtually through livestreamed sessions, video calls with exhibitors, and virtual network capabilities. Best of all, you can register and attend these events all for free!

Throughout Hannover Messe, Siemens experts will be participating in well over a dozen sessions, from keynotes and lectures to panel discussions and more, and nearly all these sessions will be livestreamed. You can browse through all the sessions on the fair’s website or read on to check out a few that piqued my interest!

This week I’d like to start with a session titled “Electrification in industry”, presented by Dr. Stefan Diezinger, Head of Sustainable Energy Systems at Siemens Energy, and Christopher Müller of ZVEI, which is the industrial association for Germany’s high-tech sector. The session description is as follows:

Companies are pushed by investors and other stakeholders to set up strategies towards decarbonization, as the perception grows that climate risk is investment risk. Simply said this means that unabated fossil emissions need to be stopped and substituted at a certain point of time. Although there is a big hype around clean hydrogen for industry, electrification is often the simplest and most efficient method to substitute. Therefore, electrification will be the option of choice in all processes whenever sufficiently and pricewise available. The objective of this Impulse Lecture is to show up the various possibilities for electrification of heat and mechanical power in industry. It shows the opportunities as well as the hurdles which are required to overcome and possible mitigation strategies.

Readers will surely be familiar with the push for electrification in the automotive industry, where the transition to electric powertrains is well under way. Though perhaps not immediately obvious, it’s no surprise that electric power can be applied in the factory as well to help reduce or eliminate carbon emissions. You can attend this session virtually on May 31st, from 17:10-17:30 CEST.

Next is a panel discussion on how companies can secure their production facilities despite mounting pressures and changing dynamics around the world. Titled “Next Generation Manufacturing — Transforming production from a liability into an asset”, the panel features experts from Siemens Digital Industries, Roland Berger, Intel, and the Karlsruher Institute for Technology. The session abstract follows:

Six global trends are currently exerting a strong influence on the production of capital goods: Sustainability, industrial disruption, localization, digitalization, populism and individualization. Next Generation Manufacturing, a joint study by Roland Berger and the VDMA, aims to show which levers capital goods manufacturers can use to position their production as well as possible in this environment. Above all, choosing the right locations with the appropriate prerequisites will be the key. Thus fit for competition, companies can rather turn a perceived liability, to produce cost-effectively, in perfect quality and with short lead times even under the additional pressure of these six trends, into an asset. They can make use of certain factors in order to continue to have superior success.

You can watch this discussion on May 30th, from 14:00-14:45. For more from Hannover Messe, you can visit their website at, and remember that you can register for free to attend all the virtual events being offered this year, including many from my colleagues here at Siemens. I hope you can join in and enjoy the show, whether in-person or virtually!

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