Video: Intosite & MindSphere — Master your digital transformation

The most intuitive way for manufacturers to discuss operational matters is by bringing the right people together at the factory with all the relevant information at hand. Tecnomatix Intosite software is doing just that!
Watch “Intosite & MindSphere: Master your digital transformation,” a three-minute video to learn more.
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Video transcript:
The most intuitive way for manufacturers to discuss operational matters, is by bringing the right people to a meeting at the factory with all the relevant information at hand.
Tecnomatix Intosite software, is doing just that!
Siemens DF Motion Control now uses Intosite to visualize its Technology and Applications Centers, also known as TAC. This allows visitors to easily familiarize themselves with the TAC’s offerings around the globe through clickable tags. One can jump into any of the TAC centers. For example, the TAC in Erlangen, can get to a piece of equipment and start interrogating for information. This can be the machine data sheet, its operation instruction, maintenance manual, or any other document but it could also be live information of the machine.
This is where the MindSphere connection comes into play. Just click and MindSphere is invoked in the contexts of that machine. One can look at the productivity of the machine and evaluate the up and down times – or even deep dive into the machines energy consumption, or even motor temperatures.
The global network of Siemens Technology and Application Centers enables visitors to learn about the advantages of interaction between industrial software, automation and digitalization throughout the entire product lifecycle.
Open and easy to integrate automation systems like Sinumerik (Zeenoomeric) CNC controllers are a key component for this digitalization. But this is only the beginning, MC is now looking at Intositing their factories.
EWN is a work in process project, but already you can see the information being built up, and again – MindSphere will bring live information right from the Chiron machine. With easy access to Digital Manufacturing and Production information in 3D context from almost any IT System. In this context it is very important for us to utilize innovative cloud based solutions like Intosite and MindShere. The Information retrieved from MindSphere can easily be shared with other persons through email or simply comment on the place-mark to share updates with the community.
Intosite adds the factory context to MindSphere and MindSphere enriches the Intosite scene with live factory information.

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