
Video: How to use Intosite to ensure social distancing in the digital factory

As companies around the world are creating plans to bring workers back to factories, how can they ensure social distancing?  

The world will have to adjust to living with the COVID-19 virus.  It will be a must to trace people’s location over the map.  Once a person is identified as a Corona carrier, other suspects who interacted with that person could be identified before they keep spreading the virus. 

But what will happen to the industrial world when they go back to work? How can we trace people inside the factory without GPS or Google Maps?

Imagine you have a digital factory map connected to an employee locating system with the ability to constantly calculate distances?  

Watch this video to learn how Siemens Intosite software can ensure social distancing in the digital factory.

This video was produced by Yonit Doanis, Product Manager, Intosite.

To learn more, watch the 30-minute on-demand webinar, Intosite for the Digital Factory.

Stephanie Aldrete


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