
White Paper: Advanced Robotics in Tomorrow’s Factory

The field of industrial robotics has reached the next level of automation, with improved production flexibility and reduced programming time. To understand how to implement these new technologies it is important to know where your company stands in the journey to advanced robotics.

In a newly issued Siemens Digital Industries Software white paper, Xin Guo, Alex Greenberg, Shay Shomroni, and Moshe Schwimmer share insights on how manufacturers are addressing the production challenges of complexity, customization and openness using advanced robotics technology.

Every company that is considering or already on the path to implementing advanced robotics will want to proceed in phases to achieve the final goal of advanced robotics. Companies can reside in one of four phases; entrants, veterans, pioneers and visionaries, with most companies today in the first two phases.

Entrants widely adopt available fixed automation robotics or similar technology and most of their operations are performed manually. Veterans begin adding some higher-level features in addition to what is available in the entrant phase. Pioneers of their industries begin to automate their production systems. Visionaries in their field are those that implement advanced robotics.

Where are you in the journey to advanced robotics and how can it help you achieve your version of tomorrow’s factory?

> Read the full paper here.

Mike Rouman
Senior Marketing Manager

Senior Marketing Manager | Digital Manufacturing Software | Siemens Digital Industries Software

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