What’s New in RapidAuthor 13.1 and Connector 7.1

Highly descriptive technical publications can be very profitable, especially when they help manufacturing and service teams be more productive. RapidAuthor for Teamcenter extends your investment in engineering design data by reusing that content directly in product documentation.
This release of RapidAuthor for Teamcenter introduces many useful features, including:
- Formula Editor is available in all DITA and S1000D specification components
- RapidManual procedure refresh rate is up to ten times faster than before
- DITA authoring includes new out-of-the-box topic types and the ability to compile a publication from multiple topics
- Connector provides an integration between Teamcenter and REFLEKT ONE, an augmented reality (AR) platform. This enables AR tracking configurations management in Teamcenter. AR scenarios can be authored in Teamcenter, including 3D-animations, points of interests and information screens. AR component is now included into RapidAuthor for no additional charge.
- Integration with Teamcenter Active Workspace includes support for Single Sign-On and the ability to distribute RapidAuthor publications to Teamcenter CMS
- RapidAuthor Viewer offline viewer for technical publications on the Windows platform
- A new object indicating liquid or gas flow in tubes.
Want to learn more about the RapidAuthor tool? Check out the recent webinar presenting the new technical publications authoring and illustrating capabilities.

About the Author: This post was written by Marina Nemchenko. She is head of Marketing and Sales at Cortona3D, and has spent more than 10 years focused on the delivery of advanced technical publications solutions across a variety of industries. Cortona3D provides services and solutions for technical publication authoring and interactive viewing and has been successfully partnering with Siemens since 2008. The RapidAuthor products are tightly integrated with Siemens’ Teamcenter® portfolio to produce highly effective, interactive 2D, 3D, and animated technical publications from engineering data.
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