Workers construct wind turbine

Ready to speed up your time to market?

BOM as the single source of truth ➑️ faster launch In today’s fast-paced manufacturing environment, the ability to quickly adapt…


πŸš€ Workhorse – IT breakthrough

πŸš› How did Workhorse launch their flagship EV truck faster without IT headaches?

🌐 Easy export compliance with Supplier Connect

How can Supplier Connect address your business needs to collaborate data with suppliers?

⏩ Fast-forward innovation: REJOOL

Discover how REJOOL ensured that every stakeholder had access to up-to-date product information whenever and wherever they needed it.

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πŸ’¨ streamline wind turbine development

Discover how ENERCON used Teamcenter Product Configurator to streamline wind turbine development.

Manitou Group chooses Teamcenter for the lifecycle management of its products

Manitou Group has partnered with Siemens Digital Industries Software to develop a global solution that will manage the lifecycle of…

Daimler Truck - outline drawing and realistic rendering of a commercial truck

Why Daimler Truck chose Teamcenter for its integrated engineering platform

Digitalization initiatives are becoming increasingly important to OEMs in the automotive and transportation sector. Developing an integrated digital engineering platform…

Northrop Grumman propulsion system test

How Northrop Grumman supercharged their digital transformation with PLM

Northrop Grumman Corporation is an American multinational aerospace and defense technology company focused on digital transformation. With 90,000 employees and an annual revenue in excess of $30 billion, it is one of the world’s largest weapons manufacturers and military technology providers. Altair Kaminski, PLM Systems & Digital Strategy Manager, works in the propulsion systems division, which develops solid rocket motors for the space sector.

low cost PLM

A formula for low-cost PLM at DNV GL

If low-cost PLM doesn’t mean free software downloads… what does it mean?