
Asset Information Management Streamlines Data Consolidation and Validation

Do you need to perform reviews of supplier information to propose and manage change?

Do you need to drive consistency through a common specification to reduce the cost of information consolidation?

Do you need to validate supplier data and ensure quality data populates your operational systems – such as the areas of ERP and EAM?

Capital asset information management screenshot

The Siemens Capital Asset Lifecycle Management solution delivers the tools you need to meet these challenges and more! And, you won’t need to limit your suppliers to a singular design/engineering tool – you’re able to consolidate and normalize information from leading authoring tools to help you: review and validate supplier information, manage change associated to supplier information, and automate workflows for data population into your ERP & EAM systems.

Want to learn more about Capital Asset Lifecycle Management? Sign up for our recent webinar: Capital Asset Lifecycle Management: Digitally transforming capital asset creation & operation. This webinar was conducted jointly with the management consultant firm, CIMdata, and you will also hear their assessment of the solution.

Justin DiNunzio

Justin is a Senior Marketing Manager for Siemens Digital Industries Software

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