
Two Ways You Can Support Solid Edge and Have Fun at the Same Time

One of the really great things about the CAD industry is that when it is working right, the industry and its customers support one another. Inudstry makes software that users apply to their businesses, and the users help promote the software to more users, who add resources to the cycle. Everybody wins when we all support one another. As a user or customer, you feel more confident about your decision when more people make the same choices.

So here are some opportunities for users to show a little love for your CAD tool of choice, Solid Edge:

greenpowerracing.png1) Greenpower Greenpower is a chance for young people from around the world to get involved in engineering and racing electric vehicles. It’s exciting and interesting to follow a team through their design, fabrication, and qualification events. C’mon, I’ll bet you wish you could do this. I know I do. If you are in the UK on October 12, 2014, you can attend the Greenpower finals held at Goodwood. If you don’t have a team to root for, we do have a team from the US competing – Huntsville City Schools. Siemens PLM is an ongoing Greenpower sponsor.


henryfordmuseum.png2) Henry Ford Foundation Siemens PLM is also sponsoring the Henry Ford Foundation, which includes the Henry Ford museum, the MakerFaire events, and various on-line publications.

The Henry Ford Museum is not just about Ford automobiles, it is much more broadly about American invention. This is stuff that’s interesting to a whole family, and it is well worth the trip makerfairebikes.pngas a destination for a family vacation. With the theme of American invention, it’s easy to see why they are associated with the MakerFaire, which is a gathering of tinkerers, intentors and DIYers.

The Henry Ford Museum is of course located in Detroit, Michigan, but you can find MakerFaire events all over the world.

Matthew Lombard


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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at