
Stuff to do at SEU: Hands On Confidence Using Design Intent

Hands on sessions fill up early, so you really have to make a plan craigruchti.jpgand stick to it if you want to get the most out of these sessions. You can hardly go wrong with most of them, since they are led by really top-notch guys.

I would like to point out a couple of sessions, however. Confidence using Design Intent is led by Craig Ruchti. Design Intent is the new(-ish) name for Live Rules, and this is sometimes people’s excuse for not learning Synchronous. Go to a session like this, and get some practice at home, and you’ll be a whiz in no time. Craig knows his stuff and can explain things in a way that you’ll understand. I don’t know what he’s gonna show, but I can tell you you’ll be glad you went. Craig’s session is at 4:05 on Wednesday.


If you feel like you’ve already got a handle on the Design Intent/Live Rules stuff Doug Stainbrook is giving a session at the same time as Craig’s on Hybrid Modeling. Hybrid Modeling can mean different things in different situations, but in this case, it means combining Synchronous and Ordered methods. This is where practical design pros put their time in Synchronous – combining methods. So what you already know about Ordered modeling still gets used, you just have to add some highly valuable synchronous techniques.

Matthew Lombard


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