
Solid Edge University Cincinnati Recap

Yesterday marked another great day at Solid Edge University as our global series continues its tour around the U.S. and the world. This time we were in sunny Cincinnati, Ohio in the Midwest joined by nearly 100 people including members of the Mainstream Engineering team, our partners Prolim, and awesome Solid Edge peeps from the local area.

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Prashant Kulkarni kicked things off this morning with a warm welcome to all.

Aditya Gurushankar who heads up Solid Edge Planning and Product Design for the team introduced Solid Edge 2019 by sharing a few enhancements that are near and dear to his heart. He also demonstrated the power of Solid Edge rendering with a fun little test for the audience in which they were shown an image of models and asked to identify which is the real one and which is rendered? I won’t spoil the fun just yet for anyone attending future events, but let’s just say the point is that rendering capabilities have never been better!

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Following the introduction of Solid Edge 2019, Mark Thompson showed generative design at its purest during his presentation on Next Generation Design. He also delved into the hot topics of reverse engineering, convergent modeling and synchronous mesh modeling. We’ve written at length about these before, so you can check out posts here for more information:

Next up, Ben Weisenberg of Prolim shared insights on managing CAD data and collaboration. He specifically covered the Solid Edge Portal, which is of course a great way to collaborate on designs with a team. The Solid Edge Portal offers a secure, web-based platform for storing and viewing the contents of your 3D CAD files and drawings, and for sharing your project files with others. Collaborators can add notes and markups to designs you share with them. Access to a shared file can be revoked by you at any time as well.

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There were many great sessions that continued throughout the day, but the main takeaway I got from speaking with all of the presenters was simply their passion for engineering, product development, of course Solid Edge. Everyone is truly excited about Solid Edge 2019 because of the strength of its capabilities, the new technology and innovative solutions it offers for product development, and the tools it offers to make life even better for engineers all over.

Thanks to all who came out for Solid Edge University Cincinnati and to the many people who made this a great event!


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