
Solid Edge Tips and Tricks #14

tipsquickview.png1) Why does the Quick View Cube not display when Application Display is set to Basic?

If the Application Display option is set to “Graphics Card Driven – Basic” within the Solid Edge Options> View tab, the Quick View Cube will not display due to the advanced display technology required to for display.

2) When placing coordinate dimension groups, how do you get the text for one dimension to drag to the other side of the part?
During placement, the prompt reads, “Click on the dimension measurement element. Alt+Click = unaligned dimension.” So while holding down the Alt key, click on the element to measure to and the dimension text will be placed into dynamic mode attached to your cursor.

3) tipscomponenttracker.pngIn the assembly Component Tracker, what does the asterisk at the end of a file name indicate?
This means that the document has changes in memory that have not been saved yet. You can get further information in Solid Edge help.

4) How can I move holes from a group in synchronous?
Select on the desired holes then right mouse click and select separate. This will put the holes in a separate collection.

tipspartlist.png5) How can I delete a row from the Parts List on the Data tab of the Properties dialog? The button is disabled.
The Delete Row is only available when you are on a row which you added through the Insert Row command. You cannot delete parts from this button. You must go to the List Control tab and Exclude all occurrences of the part to delete the row.

6) Why are “Look at face” and “Align Edge” in the Custom View Orientation dialog of the Drawing View Wizard not letting me select anything?
For the assembly provided, the parts are disabled in this view. There is an Activate Part button (first button on the left) that will activate the parts and therefore allow you to select.

7) Can batch printing be done from the Solid Edge Free Viewer?
Sorry no. This is only enabled in purchased products. You could contact your Partner and purchase a copy of 2D Drafting-Maintenance for this need and for a higher quality print of your drawings.

8) tipsrelationships.pngWhy can’t I toggle driven dimensions to driving while in draw in view?

Turning on maintain relationships will allow you to toggle between driven & driving.

Matthew Lombard


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