
Solid Edge ST7 AddIn in C++

By jnewell


In continuation of my Solid Edge ST7 AddIn Architecture Overview article, I just published a new article, Solid Edge ST7 AddIn in C++. This article is programming language specific and focuses on developing Solid Edge AddIns using Visual C++. It covers the bare minimum requirements for addin development in C++.

In additional the previous articles, I am working on a series of articles that are topic focused. Here is a quick list of articles that I’m working on. Feel free to reply to this post with any article requests.

  • Solid Edge ST7 AddIn EdgeBar in C++
  • Solid Edge ST7 AddIn Ribbon in C++
  • Solid Edge ST7 AddIn Mouse Events
  • Solid Edge ST7 AddIn OpenGL overlay

Jason Newell

Jason is a Solutions Architect for Charles Machine Works in Perry, Oklahoma. As a 21 year IT veteran, Jason is well versed in a broad range of software technologies and programming languages. In 2005, Jason started JasonNewell.NET, a website dedicated to expanding the Solid Edge developer community and offering consulting services. Through his website, he was able to acquire Siemens PLM Solution Partner status and soon began consulting for Siemens PLM directly. Through his consulting efforts with Siemens PLM, Jason takes a leading role in expanding the developer community by contributing to the Solid Edge SDK, authoring open source projects and speaking at conferences.

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at