Solid Edge SP ST7 Sneak Peek:

Maybe you need to create an email and reference a specific part, or an ECO or a project in that email? In ST7 you can right mouse button click on these items in Solid Edge SP and use the “Copy Shortcut” command to grab a link to that item. Then when you create the email you can paste in the link. The person who receives the email can click on the link and Solid Edge SP will take the user directly to this item – they dont have to search for the relevant item. Copy Shortcut can be used on many different item types and can be used to create a direct link to the item in emails, tasks and calendar entries.
Look out for more enhancements in Solid Edge SP at SEU14, or check back on our Solid Edge web pages on 13th May for new videos showing the enhancements in Solid Edge ST7.