
SEU15 Tuesday, SecondHalf

Dave Chadwick did an excellent job writing about the events of the first half of the day, coming from the main stage, so I’ll proceed with the rest of the day. The morning sessions were very good, and served as a nice introduction for most of the attendees to John Miller, who was probably simply known as “Karsten’s replacement” by many Solid Edge users until this morning when he made his first SEU appearance. I think we have much to look forward to under Mr. Miller’s leadership.

seu15artpatrick.pngAfter the keynotes, the technical sessions began. The first one I attended was Art Patrick’s assemblies presentation. I sat in the front of the room with @kjoiner, and at one point turned around to be very surprised that the entire room was full of people, with people lined up against 3 walls – standing room only as they say. Art has a way of being engaging while exhuding supreme confidence in the software. In my continuing efforts to become more expert in Solid Edge, Art has been a great help. There is always some tiny detail that makes a huge difference, and he knows just where to point it out. His insistence on the power of Synchronous being unleashed in assembly mode is contagious. His depth of knowledge in the details is truly astounding. I’m glad the turn out was so amazing. I think the SEU staff has taken notice, and Art will get a bigger room next time. And well deserved.

Art had back to back sessions, so most of the people stayed for his more advanced session where he explored advanced patterning, motion, and creating parts in the assembly. One of the coolest tricks he used was to use the internal loops for a face selection to cut holes through a mated part. Three clicks and he had holes lined up with another part in the assembly. Many oooh’s and aaaah’s from the audience.

102.pngAfter Art’s sessions was the Design Better Challenge. You get a part to design and some changes to make. I can’t spoil the results, they will be announced at Wednesday’s 4 pm wrap-up session. We should have some nice prizes to give out. If anyone wants to volunteer to lead next year’s challenge, please step up. It’s not that hard, and it gives you a chance to be more involved.

It was a rainy day in Cincinnati, and our dinner was a few blocks from the hotel at the ball park. Our bus driver must have sensed our urgency because she completely ran the first two red lights we came to, and scared the daylights out of a Toyota driver who stopped a little past the white line. I didn’t catch her name, but I have a feeling that local law enforcement is at least acquainted with her.


We all arrived in one piece, and dinner was good. We could even sit outside in the luxury boxes and watch it rain on the Reds field in the dark. Pretty striking sight, actually.

I eventually settled at a lively table with @Tushar, @Imics, @SeanCresswell + Wife, and eventually @LauraWatson, @bshand, and @GregLuckett


 This has to be one of the biggest gatherings of Solid Edge community power users ever. And those beer bottles were on the table when we sat down. No idea how they got there.

Anyway, next year, maybe you’ll be in this picture. I guarantee that there will be some professional collaborations that will come from the relationships forged around this table. That’s what a CAD community is all about – mutual support.

Matthew Lombard


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