
SEU15 Call for Presenters: Tell Your Story

solidedgeuniversity1.jpgSolid Edge University 2015 is only a few months away, October 26-28.  One of the things that makes SEU so valuable is that people come together from all over to tell their stories. The one story we want most of all to hear is YOURS. I want to make sure that you get your chance to tell your story at SEU15. We want to hear why you love this software. We want to hear what it is about the software that makes you so productive and successful.

In fact, we want you to tell your story so much that we’re going to do some things to make it easy for you:

  • If you present a breakout session at SEU, we waive your conference fees. That’s worth several hundred bucks.

  • If you’re a Solid Edge user and willing to present, we can help you with your presentation.

  • Presenting at Solid Edge University boosts your visibility among other users and Siemens employees.

If you’re an independent contractor, this is a great opportunity to demonstrate to a key audience why they should hire you.

If you’re the owner of a small business, the added exposure from SEU could attract attention from new customers, or potential employees.

If you’re just an enthusiastic Solid Edge user with some great skills, techniques you’d like to show off, models you’d like to share with other users and potential colleagues or employers, we want to help you share your story.

Presenting a session at SEU isn’t as difficult as you may think. Great topics might be:

  • Large assemblies management

  • file management techniques

  • A Day in the Life of a CAD Admin

  • Bluesurf and Consumer Products

  • A-Z of Solid Edge Rounds

  • 60 Time Saving Tips in 60 Minutes

  • Getting the Most from Standard Libraries

  • How Quadrispace Got Me Promoted

  • Synchronous Technology Saves Me 1 Day Every Week

We hear a lot from Siemens employees and partners, but there’s nothing quite as valuable as hearing directly from the people using the software. The most talked about breakout session from SEU14 was from Melissa Schultz, a CAD admin with a story to tell. She had never spoken at SEU before, and was admittedly a bit nervous. She went from just another face in the crowd to Rock Star status in the course of one hour. Standing room only at her presentation, with Solid Edge employees and executives standing out in the hall just to hear what she had to say.

Does this happen to everyone? No. But it happened last year to Melissa. And maybe this October to you. You’ll never know unless you give it a try.

Submit your idea for a SEU15 presentation here.

Sign up to come to SEU15 in Cincinnati in October here.

Matthew Lombard


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