
New webinars: Get control of CAD data; capture your design ideas

By DavidChadwick

Two new webinars in our “Solid EdgePortfolio Digital Transformation” series are now available as replays. These webinars focus on the built-in data management capabilities in Solid Edge, and how you can use the Catchbook App to capture your design ideas.  You can register here to access all 7 replays we have published so far, and also have access to upcoming webinars.

Built-in data management capabilities that take advantage of Microsoft Windows Indexing were added in Solid Edge ST9 and are included with all levels of Solid Edge. Existing Solid Edge users can start to use these new capabilities by simply running the Windows Indexer on the file folders where they store their Solid Edge files – you dont need to install and maintain a seperate PDM solution or database software. The webinar shows how the Design Manager utility enables you to mangage both the revision process and release to manufacturing, and how to use the built-in data management capabilities together with popular cloud-based file sharing software such as Dropbox. You can watch the webinar replay here, and you can see some additional capabilities that we are adding in this area in Solid Edge ST10 here.

built-in.png.jpgThe Design Manager utility allows users to find the data they need quickly, and perform revision and release operations on sets of dataCatchbook is a new App available for just a few dollars that runs on iOS, Windows and Android devices. It allows you to rapidly sketch and capture your ideas, you can also use photographs as a reference when sketching. The webinar shows several short examples of capturing design ideas and then taking these 2D sketches into Solid Edge so you can develop them into 3D models. You can watch the webinar here, or find out more about Catchbook and access the links to download this App here.

catchbook.jpgCapture your design ideas using Catchbook, then develop them into 3D models in Solid EdgeLet us know what you think about this webinar series – and any subjects you would like to see covered that are not on our current schedule.

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at