
Community Keyshot Rendering Contest Winner

original.pngkeyshotrendercontest.pngThe first rendering contest has a winner! In fact, it has two. There was a tie for the total number of votes, so although @Fiorini got the credit for the win on the Winners page, both he and @RubenOrihuela will get prizes. The forum software makes me pick only one to show as the winner, so I selected the one I voted for.

I’ll be in touch with you two about how to collect your prizes- watch your private messages.

keyshotrendercontest.pngAnd I would like to give an honorable mention to @BobMileti for what was really a resourceful rendering that pulled together several different types of data and techniques. Plus, in several forum comments, Bob took some time to describe for all of us how he managed it all. Bob was a little late in submitting his image to get any votes, but I want to encourage participation regardless of ability to follow the rules Smiley Tongue

So now we get a week off, during which @Fiorini and @RubenOrihuela get to revel in their vicotry. And then next week, we’ll start with a brand new model and do it all over again. There is even a rumor that we may have a prize worth a lot more money for the next contest. 

Matthew Lombard


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