Thought Leadership

Do you know the way to San Jose?

One of the highlights of the electronics thermal management calender is the annual SEMI-THERM symposium held in sunny San Jose, California and it’s with the usual sense of excitement that I’m preparing to attend it. The acquisition of Flomerics by Mentor Graphics was two and half years ago and, despite the expectations of many, the activities and success of the ‘Mechanical Analysis Division’ in the electronics thermal space have really ramped up. All in all a good model of acquisition and one that may or may not be repeated elsewhere. This year I and my FloTHERMcolleagues team up with our Micred brothers at SEMI-THERM in more ways than one…

“No, it’s not a holiday” is a phrase I’ve been saying a lot at home recently with “Yeh, right” being the de facto response form the kids (sarcasm is so ingrained nowadays). However when comparing and contrasting a typical Californian scene with an English one you can see where they’re coming from:

 San Jose         London

And yes, that’s exactly what England is like all the time apart from 3 sunny days in summer (followed by a thunderstorm). Please note I do not work for the English tourist board.

It’s going to be a packed week for sure. Here are those of us from the Mechanical Analysis Division who will be presenting our papers on behalf of our co-authors:

Tuesday March 22
A Heatsink Design Methodology Using the Thermal Bottleneck Concept, Robin Bornoff

Wednesday March 23
Advances in CFD Modeling in Data Centers, Travis Mikjaniec

Thursday March 24
Issues of Thermal Testing of AC LEDs, Andras Poppe
New Level of Accuracy in TIM Measurements, Andras Vass-Varnai 
How Temperature Affects OLEDs’ Operational  Characteristics, Andras Poppe

Andras Poppe and I will be doing two vendor presentations on ‘Recent advances in LED testing and TIM testing’ and ‘CFD for Electronics Cooling – What’s New in FloTHERM’ respectively. More from Andras in his equivalent blog posting.

My paper and vendor presentation will focus on the ‘Thermal Bottleneck’, BN, parameter that we introduced in FloTHERM V9.1. For those of you with Mentor Graphics SupportNet access why not check out this comprehensive AppNote on this exciting new parameter and resulting simulation methodology that it enables.

We’ll also be at booth #100 where I’m sure we’ll have some nice Mechanical Analysis pencils or paper notepads or somesuch that you can grab and sell on ebay. Looking forward to seeing you there!

18th March 2011, Ross-on-Wye.

Robin Bornoff

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