Webinars of the month – March 2016

Fundamentals of vibration and modal analysis
On-demand webinar
Vibration can be experienced in the daily use of your product. That’s why you need to know how much the vibration your product can safely be exposed to and how much it produces is a critical design factor that you should have a firm knowledge of. Not knowing can lead to early failure, low perceived customer quality, and even dangerous situations. Fully understanding your product’s vibration can be easy once you know the basics of vibration testing including SDOFs, resonances, modal analysis, and forced vibrations.
In this webinar you will learn:
- What is vibration?
- How to understand vibration problems using the ‘source’, ‘path’, ‘receiver’ model?
- What is a single degree of freedom (SDOF) model?
- Understand what a resonance is and how they affect your product?
- How frequency response functions (FRFs) are used to identify resonances?
Maximizing oil and gas systems safety and reliability with system simulation
March 17, 11am EST
In this webinar you will learn:
- How to identify possible failures and weaknesses in systems for a variety of environmental conditions early-on?
- How to validate a large set of application systems like subsea controls systems, hydraulic/pneumatic actuation, fluid distribution, remotely operated vehicle (ROV) systems, etc?
- How to develop control strategy accordingly?
- How to implement an efficient simulation methodology fitting with your engineering processes?
Simulating cabin interior acoustics
March 23, 11am EST
In this webinar you will learn:
- What is the recent trend in cabin acoustics simulation?
- What is cabin noise composed of and how to simulate them individually?
- How can I predict aero-acoustic noise contributions inside the cabin, such as wind noise and HVAC noise?
- How to enhance the sound attributes of an existing the sound system?
Process and best practices for structural analysis of composite structures
March 30, 11am EST
In this webinar you will learn:
- What is the real behavior of thin-walled composite structures?
- What are the non-linearity and failure modes that appear in a composites structure?
- Why should we use a damage tolerant approach when designing composites?
- How can we obtain tight safety margins when sizing composite structures?
- How can we model the non-linear behavior of composite structures?