
Upcoming Winter tire testing campaign

Upcoming Winter tire testing campaign

We are pleased to announce that the Simcenter Tyre team will be testing tires under winter conditions in February and March 2020, resulting in low friction tire models supporting virtual vehicle development.


Although most of us are just returning from summer holidays, the Simcenter Tyre testing team is already starting its preparations for the upcoming winter tire testing campaign. Throughout February and March 2020 a measurement campaign has been scheduled in the north of Sweden, nearby the arctic circle.

Tire and road conditioning, measurement data processing and tire model parameter identification all require crucial engineering knowledge to generate accurate and representative tire models. The team has been testing tires on low friction roads on a yearly basis since 2010 and can therefore rely on significant amount of experience on all these



Highlights of the measurement campaign

On-road tire testing for representative conditions

Siemens uses its Tire Test Truck, a mobile tire test laboratory, to perform tire testing under the most representative conditions. Measurements are performed at automotive proving grounds which are also used for vehicle testing purposes.

Multiple road surfaces

Measurements can be performed at a multitude of winter road surfaces, for example polished ice, scraped ice or packed snow. Customized road surface preparations can be accommodated.

Public or customer proving grounds

Tire tests are typically performed on commercial automotive proving grounds. There is however a high level of flexibility, tire testing on customer owned proving grounds and/or aligning the timing of the measurements with vehicle measurements can be arranged.

From raw measurement data to model parameters

The results of the tire testing services can be customized, from the delivery of unfiltered tire testing data to processed data and model parameters of the Simcenter Tyre MF-Tyre/MF-Swift models.


Click for more information or to get in touch with our experts.

Loes vanHaasteren
This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at