
Realize Live Europe 2023 kicks off with a bang!

By Chad Ghalamzan
Simcenter at Realize Live Europe, Day 1

Munich was definitely the place to be today. Realize Live Europe 2023 officially started and did not disappoint. Full of enlightening sessions, motivational keynotes, and valuable networking opportunities. It was hard not to notice the recurring themes and innovative ideas that kept popping up throughout the day: AI, sustainability, and the emerging industrial metaverse. I had the pleasure of talking with Stephen Ferguson, my co-host of the Engineer Innovation podcast, about our impressions of day one:

Stephen and I talking

Sustainability can’t be an after-thought

One statement that truly resonated with the crowd at the opening session came from Bob Jones, Executive President of Global Sales and Customer Success at Siemens Digital Industries Software, was “Sustainability can’t be a bolt-on.” It needs to be integrated into the entire product lifecycle, from design to operation. The Siemens Xcelerator portfolio is unique in its ability to help customers achieve their sustainability goals, by providing solutions to help them track and reduce carbon emissions at all stages of the product lifecycle.

The challenges ahead

Jean-Claude Ercolanelli, Senior Vice President of Simulation and Test Solutions at Siemens Digital Industries Software lead our Simcenter keynote session “Enabling sustainable industrial innovation, where next?” He was joined by Dr. Marcus Bauer, Global Head of Electrical and Electrics at Rolls-Royce and Virginie Maillard, Head of Siemens Technology USA.

The session provided an overview of how Simcenter is answering the top questions and challenges facing our customers:

  1. How can I fix issues before building a physical prototype?
  2. How can I make my design process faster?
  3. How can I make design decisions with higher confidence?
  4. How do I keep my simulation and test data and processes current?

Dr. Bauer stressed the importance of simulation and testing and how it is critical to avoid design silos. Simply put, it is an absolute must for their validation and verification “V-Cycle”.

The keynote session closed with Virginie Maillard, who spoke about how we can combine the real and digital worlds. I highly recommend listening to our interview with her on the Engineer Innovation podcast. She went into fascinating detail about the emerging industrial metaverse and how it allows us to experience digital twins. Virginie also recommends you check out this report on the topic.

The event continues tomorrow with even more sessions, and we can’t wait to bring you a second set of highlights.

This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at