Digital Twin and Embedded Software

Earlier, I had written an article about the  Digital Twin for on-board software  where I talked about the value of digital twin for developing software-intensive products. In this article…

Software design, development and deficiencies – Auteur theory

François Truffaut Being a cinephile, let me introduce you to a term called ‘Auteur Theory’. The theory was born with the   French New Wave   cinema, in late 50s and early 60s,…

Software design, development and deficiencies – with global maximum Famous computer scientist and Turing award winner Prof. C.A.R. Hoare said something about the way the design is thought about.. He mentions “There are two wa…

Extending the digital twin to on-board software

How can a child be the father of man?
William Wordsworth said “Child is the Father of Man”. It means that the personality of people develop right from the time of their upbringing in their…

Little expenses – enough for sinking an automobile?

Benjamin Franklin, one of the founding fathers of United States once said, “Beware of little expenses; a small leak will sink a great ship”. 
Fast forward to industry today, Benja…

Reimagining automotive software engineering process

In modern cars, most of the functionalities are controlled by software. With the increasing complexity of software-based functionality, as for example in the case of drive-by-wire, automated driving …