A template to contemplate: automate your marine design processes

Discover the virtual tow tank (VTT) template: automate your design process from the setup to the design exploration.

Let’s not forget why superior vehicle durability matters

Vehicle durability is still as important today as it was yesterday. Understand why it still matters and learn about the latest technologies that help you meet strength and durability targets.

The maritime industry is looking at electrification – stay plugged in!

The maritime industry is challenged to reach net-zero emissions by 2050. For vessels operating close to the shore, electrification is definitely a possibility. But how can you ensure a full integration when making an electric or hybrid vessel?

Don’t let your ship design spiral out of control

For decades, the maritime industry has relied on the ship design spiral. But as the times are evolving quickly, shouldn’t we shake up the industry a bit?

Seagle fights wildfires faster, safer and more precise

Discover how the Siemens Xcelerator portfolio is enabling the development of Roadfour’s Seagle, the most advanced amphibious firefighting aircraft.

Aircraft structural simulation model

Aircraft structural design and analysis

Moving from fossil fuel-powered aviation to next-generation aircraft requires tight integration between flight physics, aircraft structural design and analysis, and testing teams.

Aircraft travelling through stormy sky

Aircraft HIRF and IEL qualification with digital twins

Find out why a thorough understanding of HIRF and IEL, from the aircraft design phase to certification is key to guaranteeing a safe flight.