Polarion 2015 Delivers Visual Reporting, Variant Management, Enhanced Security and More

The time has come to announce the release of Polarion version 2015. It’s an ambitious release with some very significant new functionality. If you would ask me to name the top new features (as some people already have!) I guess I would call them this way…
Polarion 2015 Top New Features

Polarion 2015 delivers a brand new component to let you design reports visually with an easy-to-use palette of reporting “Widgets.” The top keywords for our new LiveReport Pages are: online, easy on users, and flexibility. Learn More…
Document Workflow and Signatures
Complete solution to manage the lifecycle of your specification documents, with all the power of Polarion’s state-of-the-art workflow engine and support for electronic signatures. Now your teams can review and approve entire documents as well as individual Work Items. Learn More…
Variant Management meets ALM
We’re very excited to announce Polarion® VARIANTS™ – a fully embedded solution for product line engineering (PLE) based on Pure:Variants technology, and licensed as an Add-on product for Polarion ALM, Polarion REQUIREMENTS, and Polarion QA.
Learn More…
Security & Permissions
Granular control over who can access what. Set up permissions for any set of items… even control access to individual Work Item fields.
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There’s much more…
For more details on features that have been first announced in Polarion 2015, see: Introducing Polarion 2015: What’s New and Noteworthy
The release also incorporates many other improvements, requested by our customers, that we implemented in service releases during the past year, and which lead, via our iterative development process, to major releases like version 2015. Here’s a brief summary of what we added in each of the past 3 Service Releases:
SR1 – Document Types and Workflows, Custom Permissions Sets, Dependent Enumerations,…
SR2 – Granular Document Permissions, Document & Pages Titles,…
SR3 – New Document Notification Targets, API and Performance enhancements
On behalf of the entire Polarion team, thanks once again for using Polarion solutions!
Jiri Walek
VP Product Management
Polarion Software