Transportation revolution: Autonomous vehicle development, part 2

In the final episode of the Future Car series on the transportation revolution, Nand and I take a closer look…

Transportation revolution: Autonomous vehicle development, part 1

In episode three of the transportation revolution series, Nand and I begin a two-part discussion on the development of autonomous…

Digitalization helps companies adapt to COVID-19 restrictions, such as with AR and VR for vehicle design.

Transportation revolution: An update on vehicle electrification

It is clear that, despite the numerous challenges facing automotive OEMs today, the goals of next-generation electric, autonomous and connected…

Episode 1: Exploring artificial intelligence and machine learning

Recently, members of our high-level synthesis team Ellie Burns and Michael Fingeroff got together to discuss AI and machine learning…

Low-code application development enables custom application development by citizen developers in an intuitive cloud-based environment.

From idea to app: How low-code makes it possible, part 3 – A WTMT special podcast mini-series

There is an app for just about anything these days. Car shopping, finances, entertainment, social connection and more. This is…

Low-code application development enables faster digital transformation

How low-code unifies makers with visual development, part 2 – A WTMT special podcast mini-series

In the last episode, we talked about how software is becoming nearly ubiquitous in modern society. As software continues to…

“Innovation” podcast series (Ep. #2): eVTOL Aerodynamic Design through Digitalization

There’s a huge innovation wave sweeping through our industry. We’re seeing the introduction of new propulsion techniques, supersonic air travel…

Low-code app development powers digital enterprise transformation

The low-code advantage, part 1 – A Where today meets tomorrow special podcast mini-series

Software is taking over the world. Readers will no doubt be familiar with a wide array of software applications, from…

Electrical Systems podcast (Ep.#5): “Increasing Wire Harness Manufacturing and Profitability”

Aerospace wire harness manufacturing is under intense pressure these days. …Profitability constraints are everywhere. To make matters worse, increased electrification…