
Digital maturity in industrial machinery – Episode 2

In the second part of the Digital Maturity Podcast, Todd Tuthill, VP Aerospace Defense, and Marine Industry, and Rahul Garg, VP Industrial Machinery and SMB Business Program, compare and contrast the differences levels of digital maturity in the manufacturing and aerospace industries. Together with host Chris Pennington, they discuss how companies both big and small can optimize operations and attract more talent through digitization.

Part 2 will cover:

  • The benefits of expediting digitalization
  • How to start the process of digital transformation
  • Ways businesses can configure, connect, automate, generate, and optimize their processes to reach their digital goals
Todd Tuthill - Speaker

Todd Tuthill – Speaker

Todd Tuthill is the Vice President of Aerospace & Defense for Siemens Digital Industries Software.

Rahul Garg

Rahul Garg

Vice President for Industrial Machinery and the SMB program at Siemens Digital Industries software

Chris Pennington

Chris Pennington

Global Industry Marketing Leader for Industrial Machinery 

Digital Transformation Podcast Podcast

Digital Transformation Podcast

The Digital Transformation: Solutions for Industrial Machinery Podcast by Siemens Digital Industries explores the advantages of smart manufacturing, a digitalized product development strategy and the solutions it offers for the Industrial Machinery industry.

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at https://blogs.sw.siemens.com/podcasts/digital-transformation/digital-maturity-in-industrial-machinery-episode-2/