
Streamlining NPI with PADS Professional Premium DFM and PCBflow

By Yaron Tayar

Introducing PADS Professional Premium DFM, an innovative solution that seamlessly integrates comprehensive Design for Manufacture (DFM) analysis into your PADS Professional Premium environment. With this cutting-edge tool, you can enhance the New Product Introduction (NPI) process, ensuring a smoother and more efficient workflow.

PADS Professional Premium DFM encompasses all the features of PADS Professional Premium, including schematic capture, PCB layout, pre and post layout simulation, analog/mixed signal simulation, cloud-based data management and collaboration, integration with multiple component distributors, and part research.

With PADS Professional Premium DFM, you can now test the manufacturability of your designs using pre-defined DFM rules provided by participating manufacturers or default DFM definitions based on Siemens’ extensive expertise in the electronics industry.

This user-friendly DFM solution allows you to perform fabrication analysis effortlessly through our cloud-based Valor DFM engine, all within the familiar eCAD software environment of PADS Professional. You can run the analysis and review the results seamlessly without leaving the PADS Professional cockpit. By conducting early and frequent manufacturability tests, you can eliminate costly design errors that may otherwise delay your NPI process and impact product quality.

Why is DFM important?

According to Siemens’ research in 2020 and 2022, nearly a third of PCB projects experience delays in their release dates due to manufacturability issues, resulting in time-consuming and expensive re-spins.

By testing designs for manufacturability before handoff, you can avoid these pitfalls, minimize material and resource waste, and meet your product release deadlines by achieving first-time-right manufacture.

PADS Professional Premium DFM offers state-of-the-art DFM analysis capabilities fully integrated into the layout software. Projects saved in Connect for PADS Professional can undergo quick and effective DFM analysis using pre-configured DFM profiles (rule sets) established by manufacturers and industry leaders on our PCBflow cloud-based platform.

You don’t need to worry about DFM setup, configuration, upgrades, or maintenance. There are no IT overheads, extra storage requirements, or additional computing power needed. The DFM engine runs on the Siemens PCBflow cloud, ensuring that you always access the latest version and analysis algorithms.

DFM results are instantly available in the PADS Professional Hazard Viewer, enabling you to fix issues as you review them with automatic cross-probing. There’s no need to learn a new tool since everything you require is already incorporated into your existing software.

Subscribing to PADS Professional Premium DFM provides you with 12 months of unlimited access to Design for Fabrication Analysis. Test your designs for manufacturability as frequently as you like. We recommend including 2-3 DFM analyses in your design workflow.

Additionally, a PDF format report of the analysis results is stored in the Connect project for offline reference or easy sharing.

Enhance your DFM experience with PADS Professional Premium DFM customers can utilize the same account to visit, an independent Siemens online DFM tool. On PCBflow, you can gain a deeper understanding of provided DFM profiles, compare them, connect with manufacturers to access private DFM profiles, or create your own custom DFM profiles for use in PADS Professional Premium DFM. As an added benefit, you can also price and source your BOM using PCBflow before starting your project.

Attend our live webinar!

Learn more about PADS Professional Premium DFM by registering to attend our live webinar on July 11, or request a quote today!

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