Siemens Digital Industries Software Blog Network

Siemens Digital Industries Software Blogs

Corporate Blog

New Clothes for Jack and Jill

Do you remember the Jack and Jill Xmas video from last year? Well, they got some presents and are dressed in new clothes this year. Aren’t they looking great? BTW: this is a picture about how Jack...

Corporate Blog

Happy Holidays (the FEA Way)

Before heading off for some vacation, I wanted to wish everyone a happy holiday.  I hope it is low stress and any displacements you make (like to visit the relatives) have all the elements neede...

Simulating the Real World

Beer Fridge - A Case Study in Thermal Design. Part 2 - TEC Effect

Beer drinkers are notoriously quiet people and as such would not want to be disturbed by the continuous hissing and...

Corporate Blog

NX Customer Showcase: SpaceX

This week, I'd like to present another NX Customer Success Story. Space Exploration Technologies (SpaceX) is a privately-held launch vehicle developer and launch services provider with an ambitiou...

Embedded Software

The power of a greeting

As the end of another year approaches, it is a good time to try to get a sense of perspective....


A wish from Polly

Corporate Blog

Daimler and Siemens PLM Discuss Next Steps at Townhall

By now, I hope you have seen the Siemens PLM's news on Daimler AG's selection of NX for CAD. The press release noted Daimler would integrate work from more than 20 development centers and thei...

Embedded Software

Heavy elements

A few weeks ago I was listening to a radio program from the BBC – Home Planet [it is on...


Sneak Peek: How to create artifact-aware online documents from your Word docs

In this 5-minute sneak peek, we'll show you a trick: how to transform an ordinary specification doc written in Word into an artifact-aware Polarion 2011 Document in seconds - and do the same with as ...