Siemens Digital Industries Software Blog Network

Siemens Digital Industries Software Blogs

Embedded Software

Tempus fugit

We are told that we live in a four-dimensional universe, with three spacial dimensions and time as the fourth one....

Verification Horizons

Accellera & OSCI Unite

System Standards Worlds Initiate Unification Accellera, who brought us SystemVerilog, and the Open SystemC Imitative (OSCI), who brought us SystemC...


Get Going with Git

By default, Polarion installs and uses a Subversion repository. But what if you have some codebase in an external repository... a Git repo, for example? And if you're new to Git, how do you set up a ...

Corporate Blog

Color by Element Properties – Femap Tips & Tricks

See how you can color elements by property ID, and have Femap randomly assign colors based on properties.

Corporate Blog

Edison2 keynotes the Solid Edge ST4 Event

It's several days post the Solid Edge ST4 event but this story is one that needs to be told. Leading up to the Solid Edge ST4 event, I did a post onthe keynote speakers Edison2. It's one thing...

Corporate Blog

Solid Edge API at the ST4 Event

It’s Saturday morning and I’m feeling pretty good about the ST4 Event. One of the things I was happy about was the turn out for Jason Newell’s Solid Edge API training. It was about 20% of the peop...

Embedded Software

On the move

I recently talked about the process that might be applied to the selection of an embedded operating system and I...

Corporate Blog

Innovation in Asia Pacific

- Report by Molly Hwa Last week, we held our annual Asia Pacific Executive Client Event (APECE) in Singapore. Nominees of the APECE Innovation Awards shared lots of innovation inspiration. It was ...

Verification Horizons

The IEEE's Most Popular EDA Standards

How do your favorites rank? Have you ever wondered how popular the different IEEE standards for electronic design automation are?...