Siemens Digital Industries Software Blog Network

Siemens Digital Industries Software Blogs

Embedded Software

Becoming a millionaire

I have talked about the stupidity of daylight savings time adjustments before, but I am inspired to address the subject...

Corporate Blog

Dital Manufacturing Symposium - South America

In the city proper of Sao Paulo live eleven million people.  It’s a diverse culture, rich in history, now forging new frontiers in manufacturing.  Brazil is experiencing rapid growth in man...

Simulating the Real World

Ho, Ho, Ho! Facebook moves to Lapland

What do you call someone who doesn’t believe in Father Christmas? A rebel without a Claus. Right, that’s that out...


Polarion and Coca Cola: the BEAR Facts

What do Polarion and Coca Cola have in common? (Besides the fact that Coke powers some of our developers?) Well, it seems both companies have a weak spot for the endangered Polar Bear. Since 2009, P...

Corporate Blog

Geometric Constraint Solving and Spin Surfaces

In amongst all of the publicity around PLM Connection Europe it would have been easy to miss the announcement of the latest release of the D-Cubed 3D products . As it happens, the timing was a coi...

Corporate Blog

Element Visual Inspection – Femap Tips & Tricks

See how you can easily locate and visually inspect solid elements in Femap using the Meshing Toolbox Locator and visualization tools. Alastair

Corporate Blog

PLM Connection Europe Summarized and Storified

View "Siemens PLM Connection Europe Summary" on Storify

Corporate Blog

Marenco Clean Sheets a New Helicopter

Those that know me know I'm a bit partial to the Swiss given family connections there. So I was keen to hear the Marenco Swiss Helicopter presentation at last week's PLM Connection Europe event. CEO ...

Corporate Blog

Introduction to Local Motors - LM Series Part 1

You may have seen our press release on Siemens PLM and Local Motors teaming up today.  Being kind of a car guy who is interested in the new ways to add “social” to “product development”, I’ve be...