Siemens Digital Industries Software Blog Network

Siemens Digital Industries Software Blogs


Job: Trainer and Consultant for Subversion/Polarion (Germany)

Polarion Software currently seeks a trainer/consultant with deep Subversion expertise to help our customers implement SVN-based Polarion solutions in existing environments. Professional requirements...

Solid Edge

Solution Manager: Up Close and Personal

Last week, right at the buzzer (4:45 pm on Friday), Chris Dayton, the man at the levers behind the curtains of Live Rules, agreed to talk to me and answer my questions. Special thanks to Chris for hi...


Polarion Meets the Bionic Man - "Must-see" Webinar

The "Six-million Dollar Man" of the old American TV series is not yet reality, but something like that reality is getting closer all the time, especially at Polarion customer Rex Bionics Ltd. A ...

NX Design

2D Synchronous Technology in NX: Overlooked Tech of the Year? - Lifecycle Insights

With NX 9 for Design, you can edit 2D geometry with unprecedented speed and ease. Synchronous technology has been extended to enable fast, intuitive editing of 2D profiles. Don't take my w...

NX Manufacturing

Introducing What's New Self-Demos for NX CAM 9

Self-demos are available as self-study learning aids designed to quickly bring you up to speed on what's new in NX CAM 9. (Read more about the many new capabilities in NX CAM 9.) These s...


Current Career Opportunities - USA

Polarion Software currently has a number of career opportunities in several U.S. states including California (Bay area), Michigan, Ohio, and Massachusetts: Software Consulting Engineer Senior ...

Embedded Software

Busy, busy, busy

This is the time of year that I think of as “conference season”; from mid-September until the Christmas holiday period...

Solid Edge

Live Rules and the Solution Manager

In the last article you got a good primer for how some of the simple functions of Live Rules work. I made a mistake and corrected it where I was talking about the colors of the squares on the Live Ru...


Safety programming and distributed development required by ISO 26262 (Part 4)

By Takao Futagami, TOYO Corporation Part 4: Some Final Thoughts I hope you have found the information in this series of posts useful. Please feel free to leave a comment. I will finish up the ser...