Siemens Digital Industries Software Blog Network

Siemens Digital Industries Software Blogs


On your Radar: "An Introduction to Polarion ALM" webinar

Software is complicated, and development teams have no time to lose when creating increasingly complex products. The use of an application lifecycle management (ALM) solution, such as Polarion ALM, ...

Solid Edge

Detroit Area Solid Edge User Group September 20th in Livonia

  We've been talking about this for a while now, and we finally have a date. We were lucky enough to find users to volunteer to run the Cincinnati and Cleveland groups before we even st...


Making Sense of Current Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) Demands

Application lifecycle management (ALM) is no longer a solution that decision makers can ignore as part of their development plans. Utilizing three core principles - collaboration, traceability, and w...


JT2Go Demo on Microsoft Surface Hub

Follow the link to watch this video and learn more about running JT2Go on a Microsoft Surface Hub. Experience the intuitive design that lets users navigate assembly structures, consult measurements a...

Embedded Software

Using a Mac - the rights and wrongs

It has been a year since my “conversion”. That word makes it sounds like a religious experience. In some ways,...

Thought Leadership

Will advanced robotics and industrial automation replace employees?

Many times, when I talk about what we do or when I visit a customer, I am asked, will automation and robotics replace our employees? We have all seen and heard about the risk that industri...


Brembo braking systems or how I put a little Le Mans in my drive to work…

Brembo braking systems or how I put a little Le Mans in my drive to work…   I was driving into the office today and racking my brains about this post. Brembo is one of those behind-the-scene...

Verification Horizons

How to Avoid Metastability on Reset Signal Networks, a/k/a Reset Check is the New CDC

It’s axiomatic that digital circuitry must initialize properly before it’s used. Once upon a time, verifying a design’s reset signaling...

NX Design

Drafting Boards – where are they now?

It’s funny how we often take for granted how much technology has impacted our lives, both on a personal level and professionally in the workplace. I wouldn’t consider myself that old really, but I st...