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NX Quick Tips – Ribbon Customization

This post has moved to the NX Design Knowledge Base. 

We have a few more videos coming.If there are any other topics that you would like us to cover, leave a comment below.

KeyOx Customer Success in Industrial Design

KeyOx Customer Success in Industrial Design

In previous blog posts, Dora Smith has discussed KeyOx and their successes with NX and NX NASTRAN. Recently KeyOx updated their web site, and I was happy to see many more K…

NX Quick Tips – NX9 Ribbon

NX Quick Tips – NX9 Ribbon

NX Quick Tips – NX9 Ribbon

NX Quick Tips – NX9 Ribbon

NX Quick Tips – NX9 Ribbon

NX Quick Tips – NX9 Ribbon

This post has been moved to the NX Design Knowledge Base.

Industrial Machinery & Equipment Design and Engineering Webinar – Feb 13, 2014

Industrial Machinery & Equipment Design and Engineering Webinar – Feb 13, 2014

How do you ensure profitable growth in a globally competitive environment?
How do you improve operational performance and reliability while meeting escalating requirements for greater productivity?…

Reinventing 2D CAD: Empowering trouble-free 2D drawing change

To date, engineering organizations have compromised between Drafting Tools that cannot drive intelligent change and Feature based Sketchers whose performance degrades with the hundreds if not thousan…

Help us improve the Siemens PLM Community

We value your input! We continuously work to meet your needs and would love your feedback on how we can improve. If you are interested in sharing feedback on this site. Please complete this short sur…

The Toughest Missions in the Universe

The Toughest Missions in the Universe

Back in November of 2013, I told you about the  United Launch Alliance & Siemens Partnership.

Here is a great video that highlights some of thebenefits that United Launch a…