NX Highlights From PLM Connections

PLM Connections 2018 was quite the event. Here are some highlights:
Sessions, Sessions, Sessions – This year attendees were able to take advantage of 62 different NX sessions where they could grow their knowledge of the most advanced CAD/CAM/CAE software.
The Next Generation Design Booth – The booth was chock-full of attendees throughout the week…and for good reason! Demonstrations of new features were displayed, as well as a Virtual Reality setup where attendees could model Local Motor’s Olli.
#IngenuityIsNX – A fun way to close out the first night of PLM Connections. See some of our favorites here.
Attendees witnessed the fastest ever assembly load – In NX 12.0.2 the Assembly team will introduce a new NX Load Option. This being: Minimally Load – Lightweight Display:
And of course our big announcement of NX Continuous Release: