

By William Chanatry

This entry is a continuation of our ongoing naming announcement of NX. See our previous blog announcement.

books-reading-series-narnia-159778.jpegLooking at acclaimed series throughout history we see a common trait. Legacy. Throughout time we ask ourselves the hard yet pressing question: what will we be remembered for?When I think of legacy in the fictional world, I think of movies that portray heroes in all of their glory. Legacies are never a simple task, even for movie characters. They require power and consistency. One legend that comes to mind is James Bond. Of the twenty five James Bond films, you probably have your favorite. However, James Bond is not remembered for one single great act, he is remembered for his name, consistency, and the experiences you feel while watching him.

Below is a list of legacy leaving series that are remembered for the name:

25 James Bond movies (ongoing)

13 Star Trek movies (ongoing)

10 Star Wars movies (ongoing)

10 Fast and the Furious movies (ongoing)

8 Harry Potter movies (ongoing)

8 Rocky movies (ongoing)

6 Mission Impossible movies (ongoing)

5 Jurassic Park movies (ongoing)

5 Transformer movies (ongoing)

5 Pirates of the Caribbean movies (ongoing)

4 Toy Story movies (ongoing)

4 Hunger Game movies 

3 Lord of the Rings movies

3 Godfather movies

Regardless of the number of movies, you keep watching and invest in the characters for a reason. These franchises have left legacies in the industry and continue to impact the hearts of many, just like a certain CAD software you may know.

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