Jack and Jill and the Xmas Tree

Jack and Jill and the Xmas Tree

What can I write about this short video? Maybe that it was done in about two hours. Actually, the simulation took only about 15 minutes to create using the task simulation capabilities of our digital…

Green Manufacturing: Where to Start?

Green Manufacturing: Where to Start?

The goal of the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen is a global climate protection convention. One part of this goal is the reduction in CO2 emissions, which could be achieved by reducing ener…

Closing the Loop on Quality

Closing the Loop on Quality

Recently, Jim Brown of TechClarity posted a blog on Siemens PLM Software’s new Dimensional Planning & Validation (DPV) , solution for quality. Jim wrote, “One of the main things that manufacture…

Winter Simulation Conference 2009

Winter Simulation Conference 2009

Many of you probably use or consume Procter & Gamble (P&G) products in some fashion almost every day. I certainly do, at least when I shave anyway. But it wasn’t until I thought about the fac…

Virtual Commissioning of Manufacturing Lines

Virtual Commissioning of Manufacturing Lines

Did you ever think about how a whole manufacturing line is set up on the shop floor? And wonder why it is running smoothly and at an optimum in regards to throughput, reliability, flexibility, safety…

Designing and Optimizing Factories

Designing and Optimizing Factories

The Plant Simulation User Conference 2009 was a very interesting conference with 110 customers participating and 10 of them presenting the usage and success they achieve with Plant Simulation. Additi…

Tecnomatix Plant Simulation User Conference

Tecnomatix Plant Simulation User Conference

On Tuesday, the Plant Simulation User Conference in Stuttgart, Germany will start. I will share details from the conference here on the blog and on Twitter. It will be a very interesting conference w…

EMO: PLM for Machine Builder

EMO: PLM for Machine Builder

Machine tools are products and resources; depending on your view point. For the machine builder it’s a product, while for many manufacturing companies it’s a resource they use to manufacture their pr…

EMO: From Virtual to Real

EMO: From Virtual to Real

It’s all about integration. Imaging you are running a job shop using highly flexible machine tools. You manufacture in small lot sizes and need to adjust your NC programs quite often due to product c…