Interview With Rose-Hulman Students on Daniel’s Prosthesis

Interview With Rose-Hulman Students on Daniel’s Prosthesis

I hope you’ve seen the new Siemens /answers Helping Hand video that came out a couple weeks ago. The views keep growing – about 120,000 as I type this. Since it came out we’ve had a chance to …

Meet Future Engineers and Inventors Will, Nick and Franco

Meet Future Engineers and Inventors Will, Nick and Franco

You’ve already met two of the students in this picture from my previous posts – David Paulk and Michael Nunnelly. Here David and Michael are talking to three students from the Huntsville Center …

Meet New Engineer Jesse Alley

Meet New Engineer Jesse Alley

What do football and engineering have in common? For Jesse Alley, it was a conversation during a football game that eventually led to his first gig as an engineer. Jesse received a bachelor’s degree …

Meet Future Engineer Alexey Rogovoy

Meet Future Engineer Alexey Rogovoy

Alexey Rogovoy won third place in a recent student design contest in Russia. He is a fourth year student of Chuvash Ulyianov State University. His project was this truck transformer developed with So…

Meet Future Engineer Igor Karmakov

Meet Future Engineer Igor Karmakov

Igor Karmakov won second place in a recent student design contest in Russia. He is a third year student of Voronezh State Engineering University. He created his the project “Sportcar Star Way” with N…

Free Digital Manufacturing Software for Students

Free Digital Manufacturing Software for Students

Yesterday I was reading a blog post about a boot camp for new engineers. The class bridges a gap in education and teaches new engineers how to “design, implement, checkout and commission a process co…

Meet Future Engineer Lubov Voitova

Meet Future Engineer Lubov Voitova

Lubov Voitova won first place in our recent student design contest in Russia. She is a fifth year student of Belgorod Shukhov State Technological University. Lubov submitted this kinematics and dynam…

Why Mark Thompson Chose a Career in Engineering

Why Mark Thompson Chose a Career in Engineering

Why did Mark Thompson choose a career in the engineering and manfacturing industry? Because he’s a people person. Not all work in the this industry is done on the computer. Mark Thompson does a lot o…

Rocket City High School Engineering Projects

Rocket City High School Engineering Projects

Do you wish you could go back and relive high school or college? I hear it quite a bit these days from engineers. It’s not just wisdom talking, wishing they could go back in time knowing all they kno…