
No Fooling Around With NX Nastran

There were some funny April Fool’s jokes this week. But it was actually a serious day here. It wasn’t the April Fool’s worm. But we did find out that our NX Nastran customers couldn’t run the program because of an initialization error. Our development team got on it and traced the error back to legacy Nastran source code.

The good news is we’ve resolved the problem with a software patch that is posted to our customer support site. The dev team put out all new executables for the last three full releases of NX Nastran on all hardware platforms within 24 hours. For those of you with a programming background, you know that’s quite a feat.

Now the site is being updated with every release from 1.0 on for all hardware platforms. These are available for all NX Nastran customers, even if you’re not on maintenance.

Customers can call our Global Technical Access Center (GTAC) with questions. Or you can ask me (but I’ll just be calling them for the answer).

The best April Fool’s joke I did see was the Whole Foods website as tweeted from Chris Brogan:


Their fake front page offers “Air” for sale as well as a grand opening at the Antarctica store!

Technorati Tags: NX,NX_Nastran

Dora Smith

Dora Smith is the senior director of the global academic program for Siemens PLM Software. The program empowers the next generation of digital talent through project-based learning, STEM competitions and industrial strength software and curriculum to support students and academic institutions worldwide.

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