
Velocity: Solid Edge - What’s new keynote

A packed room! PLM Connection should have got a bigger room because users want to hear about Solid Edge. No empty seats as Dan Staples, Solid Edge’s main man and Mark Thompson, application engineer extraordinaire, gave the keynote for Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology focusing on three key areas

  • The CAD Breakthrough for the next decade

  • Synchronous Technology in Detail

  • Synchronous Technology and the existing user


Mark is using Solid Edge LIVE! I was in Boston at the launch and we ran AVIs due to time constraints but this is UBER COOL! He is showing creation. Sketch is no longer done in the profile environment, you can do it directly in the 3D environment. Solid Edge now has unified 2D/3D commands and regions happen automatically. The idea is, fewer commands, the faster you can model. We are seeing the demos live but you can catch all of them on the Solid Edge webpage.

Traditional Solid Edge vs. Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology Demo

This demo was the one that showed the wow factor. Mark shows a model of a remote control. “I am sure it is a mess.” He has no idea how it was created. Using the “traditional” Solid Edge, he uses edit definition to make a change from 1.25 to 1 inch on a part. Nothing fails as it regenerates. Switching to Synchronous Technology – Mark makes the change and I didn’t even have time to look up from writing this post and it was DONE! w00t w00t and the audience starts clapping. In fact, they are making the ohh’s and ahh’s.

Reaction from Ryan Gudorf from Budde Sheet Metal:

“I’m pretty impressed. I am working on a few projects and reusing a lot of data. No matter what I try, it keeps blowing up. Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology could help me right now.”

There are still some skeptics out there. I spoke with Miroslav Mitrovic from Begneaud Manufacturing Inc who said:
“Sketching is difficult in 3D for me. I want to use Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology to prove me wrong.”

More sessions to come this afternoon – New UI, part and assembly modeling, and another presentation from Cory Goulden at National Steel Car – where we will prove him wrong!

FYI – Mark’s birthday was yesterday so everyone gave the “senior” application engineer a hand!

Susan Cinadr

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at