
7 Solid Edge Experts | 18 hours | Ask them anything!

Yes – you heard it right! The Solid Edge Community is launching the first Ask the Expert (ATE) Days. 18 consecutive hours with 7 Solid Edge experts answering your every question on March 17, 2022 starting at 10:30 am in India (12:00 am Eastern) through 6:00 pm (Eastern USA).

ATE is an abbreviation for Ask the Expert. Hosting an ATE opens the door for Siemens Digital Industry Software community members (YOU) to ask any question related to defined topics across Solid Edge knowing that there are a set of experts ready to answer back to every question.

We are piloting this new format with our Solid Edge community and we invite you to join us!

Why participate?

This is a chance for you to join us in the forums and ask those questions that have been lingering in the back of your mind or collaborate with the experts participating. Hopefully you’ll make new connections and be online real time with community members around the world.

Who are the ATE-ers (our experts)?

We have 7 experts participating on March 17, 2022, each in four- hour periods. See when each expert will be online and their topic of expertise!

ATE Time Schedule

How to Participate

On Monday, March 14, 2022 each of the 7 experts posted a new discussion thread starting with “Ask the Expert”. Each expert posted a bit about themselves and ended with an “Ask me anything about…” statement.

Leading up to the live online chat on March 17, you can ask any question related to the experts topic by clicking “answer” to their post (make sure you are logged in!) You can also “like” other community members question, if you have the same question and/or are curious about the answer.

Asking an ATE question
Liking an ATE question

Those questions that have the most likes, will be answered first on March 17, 2022 when the expert gets online. The remaining questions will be answered in the order they were posted.

Make sure to log in the day of to keep the conversation going, share any of your best practices related to the topic, and connect with other community members online.

You will know when an expert is online because their post will be pinned in the main Solid Edge topic forum.

In summary, here’s what you need to know!

  • March 14, 2022 all 7 ATE expert threads will be posted in the main Solid Edge topic forum. The title will begin with “Ask the Expert”
  • From March 14 – March 16 you can pre-ask questions to the 7 experts by replying to their post.
  • From March 14 – March 16 you can “like” others pre-asked questions. Those with the most likes will be answered first on March 17.
  • March 17, 2022 kicks off our ATE. Log in and join us online real-time to keep the questions rolling and the conversation going.
  • Expert threads will be pinned in the Solid Edge topic forum when they are online
Rachel Hartley

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at