Learn from manufacturing peers at Mendix World 2021

Mendix World 2021 is happening soon – September 7-9, 2021. This annual (and this year, like last year, virtual) gathering provides a forum for sharing low-code challenges, successes and best practices with your peers. Whether you’re a newbie or expert, learn how to create better solutions for your most complex problems and fill in your digital transformation gaps.
Register for Mendix World 2021
You’re familiar with MindSphere, Siemens’ industrial IoT as a service solution. Mendix World will show you how MindSphere works with Mendix in your unique manufacturing environment. Several of your peers are slated to share their use cases leveraging low code to digitalize operations, improve efficiencies, connect legacy systems, and more.
Here’s a sneak peek of who you’ll hear from in the manufacturing space. They’ll break down the challenges they faced, how they devised a solution using Mendix, and what the results were – so you can do it too.
Manufacturer use case sessions
Continental AG: This global automotive parts manufacturer looked to low code to quickly deliver proof of concepts (PoCs) to evaluate the feasibility of use cases and technologies, and to identify the cost-drivers for projects upfront. Experts will talk about how they navigated business requirements to develop solutions, from legacy replacement to employee communications. Register and add this to your schedule.
Mitsubishi Elevator Europe: MEE connected their newest line of elevators through an IoT solution with partner TimeSeries. Hear how they implemented a solution that is allowing customers to remotely control their elevators, provide real-time updates on issues to employees, and offer better insight for their R&D team to continue improving products. Register and add this to your schedule.
Keneka Companies (Malaysia): This chemical manufacturing company faced challenges with transparency and consistency in internal workflow processes. Learn how Keneka created several low-code apps in Mendix to digitalize and standardize workflows, improving collaboration and operational efficiency. Register and add this to your schedule.
This is only a small taste of what’s in store for you at Mendix World 2021. Register today and build a schedule of sessions customized to your industry, role, or level of expertise. Attend live or watch when it’s most convenient for you. You’re also encouraged to take part in live networking sessions and small group discussions to get the most out of your Mendix World experience.