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Article Roundup: Advanced Node Multi-Patterning, PCB DFM, Thermal Modeling for Electric Vehicles, Gate-Level Verification & IoT Security

By Expert Insights
  1. Catch Multi-Patterning Errors Clearly at Advanced Nodes
  2. It’s Not Your Father’s DFM Anymore
  3. Thermal Modeling Key to Optimizing EV Range
  4. Get To Know the Gate-Level Power Aware Simulation
  5. ARM CEO Sounds Security Alarm


Catch Multi-Patterning Errors Clearly at Advanced Nodes
Tech Design Forum

Three new constraints are examined for double-patterned layers at advanced nodes: opposite mask spacing, forbidden pitches, and double spaced-lines. These constraints cause physical error detection to miss some errors while erroneously identifying other legal patterns as errors. Luckily, advanced double-patterning tools include error visualization improvements to help catch and resolve these errors more easily and efficiently.


It’s Not Your Father’s DFM Anymore

PCB design for manufacture (DFM) is not what it used to be. Advanced new product introduction (NPI) software optimizes designs during initial release with a holistic consideration of fabrication and assembly constraints. This helps design the product right the first time, and enhances communication between designer and manufacturer.


Thermal Modeling Key to Optimizing EV Range
SAE International

A primary challenge in electric vehicle design is the optimization of driving range. Wally Rhines, Mentor President and CEO, explains that thermal management and electro-thermal modeling are key to improving the power efficiency of an electric vehicle, thus improving its range.


Get To Know the Gate-Level Power Aware Simulation
Semiconductor Engineering

Verification of the gate-level netlist with power aware simulation is quite similar to RTL simulation. But, Liberty libraries are required as input to identify cells, conduct power aware simulation, and apply corruption semantics based on drivers, UPF strategies, or power down functionalities.


ARM CEO Sounds Security Alarm

IoT expansion is poised to enhance human capabilities like few other technologies have. However, ARM CEO Simon Segars predicts that a failure to improve security in an increasingly connected world would undermine the benefit of the IoT. Learn how the industry needs to respond, and what initiatives are already under way.

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This article first appeared on the Siemens Digital Industries Software blog at